August 2002

New Fan Art
Posted Thursday, August 29, 2002, 1:30 AM CDT by Krang
I put up six new pieces of fan art today. Five of them were sent in by Tom Kyzivat, and one was sent in by David Gurak. Check them out in our Fan Art section!

New Server!
Posted Sunday, August 25, 2002, 3:02 AM CDT by Krang
If you're reading this, you're now accessing the new server! Thanks to HostRocket, our host for almost two years, for helping me out with setting up our account on the new server. The site should load faster now, and we now have a higher bandwidth limit, so we shouldn't run into bandwidth problems like we did on the old server. I'm pretty sure I got everything set up correctly, but if you notice any errors, please let me know. You might notice a few broken links (like the image at the top of this page), but that will only happen if the domain name hasn't resolved for you yet.

Multimedia and Graphics Temporarily Removed
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002, 2:26 AM CDT by Krang
I'm sorry that I had to do this, but I had to temporarily take down all multimedia sections and graphics for the rest of August. Because of the DoS attack on the server (see my last news post below), we are almost out of available bandwidth for the month, so I had to take down the sections which use the most bandwidth for now to avoid the whole site being temporarily unavailable. The site will return to normal on September 1, 2002. Also, to everyone who sent me fan art, sounds, etc., I will have those up in September.

Take A Look Inside The Fox Box
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2002, 1:29 AM CDT by Azure Turtle
Dan Berger has posted some interesting information over at the TMNT Official Website regarding the upcoming Fox Box promo kit! The box of goodies features artwork from the upcoming shows on the outside, including a picture of the TMNT (well... more like shadows, really... but the new logo rocks). Inside the box you'll find a fifteen minute sneak peek video, a CD ROM full of info about the shows and other tidbits, stickers, a Toys R Us catalog, and an eight page TMNT mini-comic (written by Gary Richardson with art by Michael Dooney, Dan Berger, and Eric Talbot). To see pictures and to read more details regarding the promo kit, click here. Starting August 31, Toys R Us will be giving away a million of these promo kits for free. That's right, absolutely free! Make sure to stop by and get yourself a Fox Box!

[Special thanks to HorseTechie for the heads up]

The Technodrome's Eye Is Always Watching...
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002, 12:03 AM CDT by Krang
If you're wondering why the counter jumped from around 94,000 to over 140,000, it's because apparently someone attempted a DoS (Denial of Service) attack on our server. On August 18, the main page of this site was accessed almost 46,000 times by the IP address I blocked that IP address from our domain and will be reporting them to our host soon. Luckily, it doesn't look like the attack caused any damage or downtime. I will be looking at our server's log files and will attempt to set the counter to the right number soon.

Update: The counter has been set to the right number and is now accurate again. The person who attacked our server has been reported to our host and to their ISP.

New Fanfic!
Posted Sunday, August 18, 2002, 11:31 PM CDT by Shredder
Today, we uploaded Scott Oliverson's "The Secrets of Pro Wrestling Exposed," a unique documentary-style fic in which TMNT, Battletoads, and Jackie Chan Adventure characters offer their own explanations of the "tricks of the trade" used in pro wrestling. Take a look at it and our other fics in our Fanfics section!

New Sound Clips
Posted Thursday, August 15, 2002, 10:38 PM CDT by Krang
Today, I put up three new TMNT sound clips, including the UK version of the TMNT theme song. Check them out in the Sounds section. Thanks to Andrew Morgan for sending them in!

Sneak Peek At New TMNT Toys!!
Posted Monday, August 12, 2002, 8:59 PM CDT by Azure Turtle
That's right, turtle fans! The first few pictures featuring the new TMNT action figures has surfaced, along with drawings of the upcoming vehicles. The action figures are based on the TMNT cartoon that will be airing on Fox Box, sometime in February or March.

American Dream Comics reported on the toys yesterday. To read more details about the toys, click here.

Marz Distribution recently posted the pictures and drawings. Be prepared to spend plenty of money on these new turtle goodies.

[Special thanks to dreamer for the heads up]

Updated Caption and Mystery Picture Contests!
Posted Thursday, August 8, 2002, 1:56 AM CDT by Shredder
Today, we updated our newest feature at the Technodrome: the contests! We posted the winning captions and guesses as well as put up new pictures for next time. Thank you to everyone for sending in your submissions, particularly in the caption contest- it was hard to narrow it down even to six! Hopefully, we'll be updating these contests (and any others we may add) about three times a month, so keep checking back for the latest!

90,000 Hits, New Features
Posted Sunday, August 4, 2002, 10:04 PM CDT by Krang
Our counter just reached 90,000 hits today! Thanks to all our visitors! To celebrate this, I added some new features which are listed below. Keep checking back for the latest updates at The Technodrome!

Also, I redesigned the top of the main page a little to include two new features. First is the Latest Additions, which lists the five latest updates at the site for quick reference. The second new feature is the Active Forum Topics, which lists the five forum topics that have most recently been posted in. Let me know what you think either through email or on the forums.

Future TMNT Projects In Trouble?
Posted Sunday, August 4, 2002, 3:55 AM CDT by Azure Turtle
Many rumors have recently surfaced regarding the status of the fourth TMNT movie and the new cartoon series. During a recent interview, Corey Feldman (big 80's star and voice actor of Donatello in TMNT I and TMNT III) said that he heard both projects were going to be cancelled. More rumors began to swirl about, with the official TMNT website denying those rumors. Now, Toon Zone has received some concrete answers from Dan Berger. The planned CGI movie has, indeed, been scrapped. There was a lack of interest from the movie studios. So now Mirage is pitching ideas of creating a fourth live action movie instead. The new cartoon is still confirmed, and it will begin airing on Fox Box starting sometime in February or March. Click here to read the full article.

[Special thanks to shell fox for the heads up]

New Fan Art, New Sound Clip
Posted Sunday, August 4, 2002, 12:57 AM CDT by Krang
Today, I put up eight new pieces of TMNT fan art sent in by Tom Kyzivat. Be sure to check them out in the Fan Art section!

Also, I uploaded a new sound clip sent in by Takaaki Furukawa. This new, rare clip is of the Japanese version of the TMNT cartoon theme song! Check it out (along with lyrics and additional information by the contributor) in our Sounds section!

New Poll, Poll Results for July
Posted Thursday, August 1, 2002, 10:49 PM CDT by Krang
The new poll for August is up! This new poll asks which of the listed TMNT robots is your favorite. Be sure to vote at the top of this page!

Also, the results for the July poll are in! The first TMNT movie was voted your favorite TMNT movie with 166 votes (54%). The second movie came in a close second with 124 votes (40%). For the full results of this poll and all other previous polls, click the Previous Polls link below the current poll.

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