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Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset
Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset  Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset  Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset
Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset  Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset  Ninja Turtle Sewer Playset
(Click on an image for a larger version)
Note: The green punching bag did not come with the sewer playset, it came with a boxing Rocksteady.

REVIEW: The Sewer Playset is one of the greatest TMNT accessories of all time. If I had the choice to get any accessory from the TMNT toy line, it would be the sewer playset. Well, that would be easy since I already have all the vehicles I need. :) This playset is a snap together that takes only a little time to put together, and is a lot of fun. If you have the chance to get the sewer playset for a reasonable price, I would do so. Too bad there's so many accessories that it's hard to get a complete set of loose parts.

OVERALL: 9.5/10